Thursday, July 5, 2012

Battle of the BB Creams: Missha vs. Lioele

So, last night I was just sitting on my bed rolling my face with the E-Time Face Firming and Lifting Roller, and I just randomly decided that I should do a battle with my two beloved BB creams, since they have been such a significant part of my life. I've always liked both of them, but I've never actually sat down and compared them both, so I guess that is what I'll do today because I'm bored >.<
I will start off with the Missha M Perfect Cover BB cream, since that's the first one I tried: 

This is the first BB cream I ever tried in my life, the reason is because at the time, I was kind of tan, and I really wanted to use a BB cream, but they were all too light for me. The minute I saw Bubzbeauty's video on this, I had to get it because it had more than one color! I got it in shade 23 and it was the perfect color for me. Before I used this, I would just use tinted moisturizers but they never satisfied me enough. The application was so smooth, and it also had a pleasant scent! It was wintertime, and my skin is usually extra dry but this kept my skin looking milky and flawless, I was so pleased with it.....until the hotter seasons rolled around. I was wearing this on my face on one of the hotter days and I took a look in the mirror and my face had seriously become an oily frying pan. It looked like someone slathered vegetable oil on me :O I then came to the horrible realization that it was time to find a new baby, which is the Lioele Beyond the Solution BB cream:

I was reluctant to use this at first, because I thought it would be too light for me since it only had one shade, and it just smelled really bad >_< The first time I used it, the pump was hard to control so I put a little bit too much on my stippling brush, and I came out looking like a ghost :O I was so disappointed and mortified, it also felt super uncomfortable on my face, it felt like a super thick foundation! I hated it! Then, for some reason, I decided to use it again, just because the packaging was pretty :P This time, I carefully pumped a pea size amount on my brush and stippled it all over my face, and it gave me a flawless coverage! Instead of making me look ghostly white I looked like I was glowing! When I went outside with it in the 80 degree weather it stayed strong and didn't make me oily at all, just a little bit of powder touch ups and I was good to go! I was like OMFKGLFKJFKLDJ my new baby!!! 

Ok, now you are probably thinking so which one is better? Please look at the lovely chart that I created:

Sadly, the winner is Lioele, but even though Lioele won Missha will still be my first what am I saying... I hope you liked my first review ever! 

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