Thursday, July 5, 2012

Battle of the BB Creams: Missha vs. Lioele

So, last night I was just sitting on my bed rolling my face with the E-Time Face Firming and Lifting Roller, and I just randomly decided that I should do a battle with my two beloved BB creams, since they have been such a significant part of my life. I've always liked both of them, but I've never actually sat down and compared them both, so I guess that is what I'll do today because I'm bored >.<
I will start off with the Missha M Perfect Cover BB cream, since that's the first one I tried: 

This is the first BB cream I ever tried in my life, the reason is because at the time, I was kind of tan, and I really wanted to use a BB cream, but they were all too light for me. The minute I saw Bubzbeauty's video on this, I had to get it because it had more than one color! I got it in shade 23 and it was the perfect color for me. Before I used this, I would just use tinted moisturizers but they never satisfied me enough. The application was so smooth, and it also had a pleasant scent! It was wintertime, and my skin is usually extra dry but this kept my skin looking milky and flawless, I was so pleased with it.....until the hotter seasons rolled around. I was wearing this on my face on one of the hotter days and I took a look in the mirror and my face had seriously become an oily frying pan. It looked like someone slathered vegetable oil on me :O I then came to the horrible realization that it was time to find a new baby, which is the Lioele Beyond the Solution BB cream:

I was reluctant to use this at first, because I thought it would be too light for me since it only had one shade, and it just smelled really bad >_< The first time I used it, the pump was hard to control so I put a little bit too much on my stippling brush, and I came out looking like a ghost :O I was so disappointed and mortified, it also felt super uncomfortable on my face, it felt like a super thick foundation! I hated it! Then, for some reason, I decided to use it again, just because the packaging was pretty :P This time, I carefully pumped a pea size amount on my brush and stippled it all over my face, and it gave me a flawless coverage! Instead of making me look ghostly white I looked like I was glowing! When I went outside with it in the 80 degree weather it stayed strong and didn't make me oily at all, just a little bit of powder touch ups and I was good to go! I was like OMFKGLFKJFKLDJ my new baby!!! 

Ok, now you are probably thinking so which one is better? Please look at the lovely chart that I created:

Sadly, the winner is Lioele, but even though Lioele won Missha will still be my first what am I saying... I hope you liked my first review ever! 

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

July 3, 2012

Today I finally got to hang out with my best friend Lisa because she never gets a day off from her job >.<
I decided I should camwhore a little before I left my house so I wouldn't look all hot and sweaty 

We started off the day getting our nails done; Michelle, Lisa, and I got it done while Jenny just sat there and waited for us. I'm really into cobalt blue these days for some reason.. Jenny said the design looks like I'm in some evil anime cult lol.. It was only $5 for the manicure! Sooooo friggin cheap! I have to go back there next time and get a pedicure too!! My feet was too sweaty at the moment I didn't want to make the pedicurist faint LOL gosh I'm just so considerate sometimes.
After we got our manicures, which took like FOREVER because the manicurists kept messing up Michelle and Lisa's nails, (that's what we get for $5 manicures, but it's worth it), we met up with Leo and his friend Jane to go to this Japanese restaurant called Kenka in St.Marks. Leo said that it was really good authentic Japanese food, so we were sold. The whole block of the restaurant was like a Japantown, everyone I looked there was people dressed in Harajuku styled clothing. And the stores were so unique! Some of the stores were so cute but some of them were just plain creepy! 
This is the store that was on top of Kenka. I have no idea what the concept was it was just plain weird!! The whole time we were eating at Kenka we were next to the loudspeaker and it was playing some super creepy childrens song. The songs just got creepier and creepier as we ate, I seriously thought that they were going to chop us all up and serve us to the next guests or something I was SO scared. But, aside from the fact that the atmosphere was totally spine-chilling, the food was pretty good and the service was amazing!! 
First I shared this fried onigiri with Jenny, it just tasted like rice and soy sauce -.- and it was $4 too! I could have made this by myself at home, but I shouldn't have expected so much, it is just a rice ball after all. 
Takoyaki!!! Ok now this stuff was heavenly I literally had a orgasm in my mouth eating this. No words can describe how good this tasted, I'm drooling just remembering myself eating this!
THE MAIN COURSE: RAMEN. I just had to have ramen at an authentic restaurant, it is the love of my life and you have no idea how happy and excited I was to try this, even the waiter could tell LOL. So I took a bite and......this is the saltiest ramen I ever tasted in my life!!! I was just punched in the face with the saltiness, especially the soup! One sip and I could tell that bowl probably had like 5 gallons of MSG in it! It just tasted like a normal extra salty pack of instant noodles and let me tell you this thing was $6!! WHAT THE HELL. 

After the ramen put me in a terrible mood, the waiter came up to us and gave us the bill. On the tray was the bill and also 6 cups of orange looking sugar. We were all just like what is that and Leo told us that we we supposed to use that in the cotton candy machine to spin our own cotton candy! SO COOL! While other restaurants give you fortune cookies for the end of your meal, Kenka gives you sugar to spin your own cotton candy! What kind of genius can come up with an idea like that!!

LOOK AT IT! OMG LOOK AT IT! And look at myself smiling like a stupid retard so proud that I just made a cotton candy!! It tasted like oranges too, I never had flavored cotton candy before o.o

After Kenka, our friend Sanna texted us and told us that she had something big to tell us, and since she lived in the city, and we were like 10 blocks from her apartment, she told us to meet her on her roof. Of course if a friend tells you she wants to spill her heart out to you, you gotta bring the good stuff, you know what I'm sayin? *wink wink* So first we went to a pharmacy to get some juice to mix with the stuff, and then we went up to Sanna's roof for the first time. OMDKLGGNFLGKLGMKGMKLFGMKLFLFGN IT WAS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL THING I EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE. I have lived in New York City for 18 years but I have NEVER seen such a pretty view from ANYWHERE before. GOSH she is so lucky T.T

These pictures are not nearly as beautiful as the view is in real life. It was actually pretty hard to take these because my body was actually shaking so much when I leaned over the balcony D: I usually don't have a fear of heights but this was like the 45th floor!

This was the clearest camwhore pic I could get of myself, for some reason I couldn't take a still picture for the life of me. Either I was too scared being at the edge of the balcony or I was a little bit tipsy :X
Me and michelle! I just like this picture lol.

It was getting late so we decided to go since we all lived in Brooklyn, and especially the day before some girl  got shot in the butt, I sure didn't want to get shot in the butt D: Overall, it was a nice, chill day, I love trying out new things! But I just realized that Sanna never even told us about her earth shattering news... lets just blame it on the juice :)